ancient tamil in india , have discovered that a human being can live etrenally by certain yogic breathing practices
converting our human body into light
Published on November 22, 2004 By tvlvictor In Welcome
ancient tamils spritual saints have discovererd that our human body need not die. our body have an hidden
secret invisible part very close to the heart where light energy freely available in the air we breathcalled
"PRANA' or'' LIFETRONS'' can be stored in enormous amount by vigorous regular yogic breathing called kriya yoga breathing orSIDDHA YOGA breathing, This breathing does not start at the nose. We have to relearn our breathing pattern through our THROAT and mentally direct this breath which automatically contains an enormous amount of PRANIC ENERGY to the center of our head. THIS ENERGY IS AUTOMATICALLY STOERED between the upper portion of the brain and the skull top. This light energy can be seen by us by closing our eyes and lightly pressing the outer edges of the eyes by both our index finger together. By continuous breathing through our throat and directing this breath to the top of our head and mentally redirecting the exaled breath to the para sympathetic nerve centre located just below the right side ribs we automatically redirect the light energy we have accumulated through our breathing to all parts of our body cells. This light energy prevents decay of our cells and eventually our body regains eternal youthful vigour.The proof of this secret is the eternal youth of KRIYA YOGA BABAJI OF INDIA, who is an contemporary of JESUS CHRIST and more than 2000 years old, but always appear as an 25 year old youth.BABAJI has revealed the secret for the benefit of humanity and every one of us is entitled to learn this secret. For more information on BABAJI and other master yogis known as SIDDHARS please refer to '' AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AN YOGI'' by Yogananda Paramahansa .This book is published in USA by Self Realisation Society Cincinanti, California , and in India by Self Realisation Society , Ranchi, BIHAR STATE. Thanking you all, tvlvictor india"

on Apr 01, 2007
Further to the article we have found that the energy of the universe called void is available to all living beings free. When this energy is stored inside our skull through a breathing technique called Kriya Yoga / Siddha Breathing technique the pranic energy of the void converts all our cells in the body to a beam of light. When the entire 27 billion cells of our body gets converted into light energy we become void or god our selves. This is what is referred in the Bible where Jesus says - if you know me and my father you can do more miracles that what I have done. John 10 34 and Psam 62 6. When the entire Humanity reaches this position which may take many millions of years the creation vanishes in void. This will be the end of the universe.

Each one of us can prove this when we meditate inside our mind by focussing the five senses inwards. The mind in its true state is quite intelligible although invisible. In its true state the mind is naked, not made of anything, being of the voidness, clear, vacuous, without duality, transparent,timeless, uncompounded, unimpeded, colourless, not realizable as a separate thing, but as the unity of all things, yet not composed of them, of one taste, and transcendant over all differentiation. This is GOD. For further details please refer - The Tibetian Book of the Great Liberation - by WY Evans Wentz published by Oxford University Press.